Mini Tummy Tuck

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Miami, FL

Mini Tummy Tuck featured

A mini tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that gives patients a flatter midsection without a lower abdominal “pooch.” For this type of tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), surgeons focus on the removal of fat and resolving sagging skin below the belly button. To create these more flattering contours, they utilize a horizontal incision well below the navel, where underwear can easily hide the residual scar. Unlike a full tummy tuck, the incision usually does not stretch from hip to hip. This particular technique also does not involve tightening the overstretched abdominal muscles. Still, it can provide effective results in the right candidates and help both men and women gain a renewed sense of body confidence.

At Miracle Mile Cosmetic Surgery Center, our team will work with you to ensure you have the most positive, individualized tummy tuck experience possible. Every day, we apply the safest, most updated techniques to create beautiful results that can last a lifetime. Your surgeon will be available to answer all of your questions and guide you through your preparation and recovery process with care.

To schedule your first appointment, call our Miami office at (305) 901-2388 or fill out our contact form with your information today.

Why Belly Fat Develops

Abdominal fat buildup is extremely common, even in patients with a normal BMI. This can largely be due to age, genetics, hormonal changes, and natural body shape. Even people who have tried to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine are simply not able to tone this part of the body. While liposuction can efficiently slim down bulges of subcutaneous fat just under the skin, sometimes, this is not enough. Women who have previously been pregnant or experienced weight fluctuations in the past may be left with flabby skin and stretch marks from these significant changes to the body. This process is often compounded by the decreased quality of collagen in the skin, an important protein fiber that keeps the skin youthful and tight. Research shows that these fibers degrade and slow down their production by about 1% with each passing year. (1)

A mini tummy tuck is designed to remove this stretched skin with reduced collagen to promote a smooth transition from the navel to the upper pubic area. With this skin removal technique, surgeons can also create a smaller, more youthful-looking navel and sculpt away lower belly fat deposits. Surgeons can also combine it with liposuction to remove fat from an incision that is only a fraction of an inch. When surgeons merge liposuction and tummy tuck techniques within the same procedure, it is referred to as a lipoabdominoplasty.

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates are healthy men and women who have a relatively small amount of belly fat overhanging the pubic area and who may or may not require minor muscle repair. Women who have an unsightly c-section scar or an enlarged navel from pregnancy may benefit greatly from this less intensive form of the tummy tuck. The best candidates should not plan on any future pregnancies and should be willing to maintain a healthy weight that does not reverse their results. Our surgeons prefer non-smoking individuals, but they will make exceptions for those who can refrain from smoking for at least a few weeks before and after their surgery.

Personal Consultation

At your consultation appointment at Miracle Mile, we will discuss the details of the procedure and assess your medical history and cosmetic concerns. During this meeting, we will provide you with the most information possible to help you make a confident, informed decision. We may evaluate the muscular strength of your abdominal area and the amount of unwanted tissue you would like to remove. Depending on your circumstances, we may recommend a more comprehensive tummy tuck that includes muscle repair if you have separate muscles (diastasis recti). If you feel ready to take the next step, your surgeon will assist you in scheduling a pre-operative appointment and go over other preparation steps.

To get in touch with our staff today, visit our Miami office, inquire with our online form, or give us a call at (305) 901-2388.

Preparation for a Mini Tummy Tuck

Before your official procedure date, your surgeon will advise you to maintain your weight and lead a healthy lifestyle to get the most out of your results. Since tummy tucks are not weight loss procedures, you should be within 10 to 15 pounds of your ideal body weight. You should also plan to take 1 to 2 weeks to recover at home and arrange for someone to escort you home after surgery. Even though mini abdominoplasties are outpatient procedures, you will not be able to safely drive afterward.

If you are a smoker, you should plan on avoiding all nicotine for at least 1 month before your surgery. Around 2 weeks before surgery, you should stop taking blood thinners which include NSAIDs like aspirin and ibuprofen and certain supplements. Finally, we recommend that you create a comfortable space to heal where everything you need is within reach.

Procedure Steps

First, our anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia or IV sedation, so you will be comfortably unaware of the procedure.


Your surgeon may or may not begin with liposuction to create more precise results before the skin removal portion of the surgery. For liposuction, they will make 1 or 2 incisions in the upper pubic area that are only about a centimeter in length. This will give them access to the fat layer and allow them to administer tumescent fluid to the area, engorging the fat and helping the deposits separate from other connective tissues. The fluid will also anesthetize the area and limit blood loss.

After the tumescent fluid settles in fully, your surgeon will insert a suction cannula into the incision/s and remove the excess fat, using the cannula in back-and-forth motions. Liposuction can not only promote higher-quality results, but it can also give the surgeon greater visualization of lymphatic and blood vessels and nerves to better preserve them during the surgery. This can also facilitate a better blood supply to the abdominal skin and improve healing. (2) Liposuction incisions will not be visible after the tummy tuck since your surgeon will remove the skin soon afterward.

Skin and Fat Removal

For the mini tummy tuck itself, your surgeon will make a horizontal incision across the lowest part of the midsection, ensuring that it is only long enough to remove the remaining bulge and lax skin. They will then lift this flap of skin and fat, redrape, and trim off the excess tissue. Typically, muscle repair is not part of the procedure and the navel does not need to be repositioned, so your surgeon will complete it by closing the incision line with layered sutures, creating a tighter, more toned lower abdomen.


We will monitor you as the anesthesia wears off and when you are ready, we will send you home to rest. You will have prescription medications to keep any discomfort at bay while you heal during the first days. As soon as you feel capable, you should take brief walks around your home to get blood flowing throughout your body. You will have some swelling, bruising, and tenderness, but by following your surgeon’s instructions, these side effects will be manageable. Your surgeon will prescribe a compression garment for you to protect your incision and lessen the swelling as much as possible. To further combat swelling and speed up your recovery, try to focus on eating a healthful, low-sodium diet. Within 1 week, you will be able to go back to work and other light activities, but you will need to wait at least one month before you participate in more strenuous exercise.


Once your surgeon says it is safe to stop using your compression garment, you will be able to enjoy the full results of your tummy tuck! Over time, the skin will relax and the scar will continue to mature over the next 6 months to a year. However, after your first month of recovery, you will be able to use scar reduction treatments– like silicone gel and other scar creams- to help the skin mend itself. Your surgeon will place the scar low enough to be concealed by a bathing suit, so it will not be visible.

The outcome will leave your skin with a smoother, improved texture and a flatter midsection, giving you a head start on creating a highly sought-after toned appearance. To best maintain your results, you should follow a healthy diet and work out regularly since fat deposits can redevelop if you gain weight.

Cost of a Mini Tummy Tuck in Miami

The cost of your mini tummy tuck will depend on the applied techniques, anesthesia fees, medications, follow-up during recovery, and other surgical factors to promote quality results. At Miracle Mile, you can cover the total cost with an out-of-pocket payment, or apply for one of our financing plans with CareCredit, PatientFi, Alphaeon Credit, or Cherry. We will give you a detailed quote at the end of your first consultation.

If you have any questions or are ready to learn more about the transformative results of the mini tummy tuck, inquire with our online form today, or call our staff at (305) 901-2388.


  1. Chaudhary M, Khan A, Gupta M. Skin Ageing: Pathophysiology and Current Market Treatment Approaches. Current Alzheimer Research. 2019;16(1). doi: 
  2. Brauman D, van der Hulst RRWJ, van der Lei B. Liposuction Assisted Abdominoplasty. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open. 2018;6(9):e1940. doi: